On 5 November 2019, Mr Rafael Alonso Veloso, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Brazil to Slovakia, was the guest lecturer of the Diplomacy in Practice lecture series. In his presentation, Mr Veloso focused on economic development of Brazil, foreign trade with Asian countries and the European Union. The lecture also included the presentation of the country's economic plans, such as opening the domestic market to foreign investors, deeper cooperation with the European Union and Brazil's planned accession to the OECD.

From 14 to 18 October 2019, the University of Economics in Bratislava hosted 20 representatives from 15 foreign partner institutions in 13 countries of Europe, Africa and Asia at the 9th edition of International Teaching & Training Week 2019. The event was inaugurated by the Rector of the University of Economics in Bratislava, prof. Ing. Ferdinand Daňo, PhD. and H.E. Ms Enkeleda Mërkuri, Ambassador of Albania to Slovakia.

On 29 October 2019, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Slovakia H.E. Mr Lin Lin was a guest lecturer in Diplomacy in Practice lecture series. Prior to the lecture, Ambassador met with Vice-Rector for International Relations Mr Boris Mattoš and Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations of the Faculty of Business Management Ms Jana Blštáková. Ambassador Lin appreciated the University's activities in developing of the academic cooperation with Chinese partner universities. Since the academic year 2019/2020, EUBA has been implementing a mobility cooperation project under the Erasmus+ KA107 programme with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu (SWUFE).

The 22nd International Scientific Conference of PhD and Post-PhD Students EDAMBA 2019 - “Empowering Actions to Achieve Global Goals: Implications for Economics, Business, Management and Related Disciplines” was held at the University of Economics in Bratislava on 23 - 24 October 2019.

For the first time, the EUBA participated in the international celebration of the Erasmus+ programme #ErasmusDays, organized by European colleges and universities from 10 to 12 October 2019. As part of this initiative, the International Mobility Department of the Centre for International Relations organized on 10 October 2019 the first edition of the Welcome Back meeting. The target group of the event were students who had already completed their Erasmus+ study stay and/or internship abroad and could share their experience with other people interested in international mobility. The main idea of ​​this event was to promote the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme and to highlight its added value for EUBA students and graduates.

On 15 October 2019, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Slovak Republic H.E. Mr Byung Hwa Chung visited the EUBA and delivered a lecture at Diplomacy in Practice lecture series. Mr Boris Mattoš, Vice-Rector for International Relations, welcomed the guest at the University before the lecture. The subject of the meeting was the cooperation between the EUBA and universities in the Republic of Korea. Ambassador Chung was accompanied by Ms Hyungyu Kim, from the Korean Embassy in Slovakia.

The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in cooperation with the University of Economics in Bratislava organized on 8 October 2019 the 1st International Conference on Successful Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Slovakia and Bulgaria - ISC SOVA 2019. The aim of the event was to present the theoretical and practical basis of sustainable successful entrepreneurship including successful practical examples.

Every year, 16 October marks both the World Ethics Day and the International Day of Action against Contract Cheating. Plagiarism is a violation of the principles of academic integrity and ethics. Contract cheating (one of the forms of plagiarism) is becoming more widespread and needs to be suppressed. The University of Economics in Bratislava is actively committed to this activity and supports this international day.

On 8 October 2019, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Slovakia, H.E. Adiyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady visited the University of Economics in Bratislava and gave a lecture at Diplomacy in Practice lecture series. The course was led by Mr Gilbert Futó from the Department of International Political Relations of the EUBA’s Faculty of International Relations.

In the week of 14 to 18 October 2019, the University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) is going to welcome 21 representatives from 15 foreign partner universities from Europe, Asia, and Africa at the 9th International Week organized with a support from the Erasmus+ programme.