The Department of Science and Doctoral Studies conceptually provides activities in the field of science and doctoral studies, it manages and coordinates scientific and research activities at the University of Economics in Bratislava ("EUBA"). It prepares background and conceptual materials for the management of EUBA leadership.It also provides all activities related to the work of the internal grant commission (proposals, project approval, allocation of funds, etc.).
The department prepares statistical materials, analyses and reports on scientific and research activities for the EUBA. It coordinates doctoral studies at the respective faculties of the EUBA and provides work related to the EDAMBA programme. It processes background material for planning, statistical information and analysis. The department maintains correspondence with senior authorities and workplaces related to the agenda of science, research and doctoral studies.
The Department organizes awarding of honorary scientific degrees of Dr. h. c. at the EUBA, as well asuniversity competitions of student scholarly scientific and professional activities (ŠVOČ) and extra tasks under the mandate of the EUBA Leadership on the level of University of Economics in Bratislava (Award of the Rector of EUBA for publishing, international scientific conferences on the level of University of Economics in Bratislava, etc.).

FRANCOVÁ, Katarína
Officer for Science and Doctoral Studies
1B.15 +421 2 6729 1160