The Centre is an all-university unit with a mission to provide administrative, organizational and technical support to the management of the university, its faculties, institutes, departments and other units of the UE in Bratislava in creating, implementing, maintaining and improving the internal integrated system of quality assurance and support at the UE in Bratislava in all areas of its activities.

One of the main goals of the Long-Term Plan of Development of the UE in Bratislava for the period of 2015 – 2019 with a perspective to the year 2023 is "continual provision of high quality in all areas of activities of the university and its individual organizational units, as well as quality improvement in accordance with the requirements of the international accreditation standards AACSB International, Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and other internationally recognized quality standards."

System of quality assurance and support at the UE in Bratislava is regulated by the institutional quality manual that monitors the quality and evaluates the activities of the UE in Bratislava using the following tools:

  • survey of relevant target groups,
  • supervision of the educational process by means of observation,
  • courses assessment,
  • study programmes assessment.

The University of Economics in Bratislava regularly pays attention to the process and quality assessment of educational activities and in accordance with article 70 section 1 subsection h) of the Act on universities allows students to express their opinion on quality of teaching and performance of individual teachers in the educational process twice an academic year. Survey is conducted by the Centre of Quality Assurance and Support of the UE in Bratislava in close cooperation with individual faculties and student parliaments.

In the context of continual improvement  of the study programmes' quality (particularly programmes focused on business), a process of Assurance of Learning in line with demanding AACSB standards has been implemented and evaluated.

Survey and evaluation results have served as an important base for deciding and taking measures aiming at the quality improvement of individual courses, programmes, as well as improving the performance in other areas of university’s activities.


Regulations for the internal Quality assurance system of higher education at the University of Economics in Bratislava

