The Center provides a comprehensive system of promotion of the University of Economics in Bratislava and public relations within the University of Economics and externally, in the Slovak public, especially through means of mass communication in the Slovak republic and in cooperation with the Information Technology Center of EUBA, faculties, departments of the EUBA rectorate and university departments, through electronic media.
The center in particular:
- provides information to EUBA staff and students via the Ekonom Information Adviser, promotion of conferences, press conferences, rector's meetings with EUBA employees and students,
- provides and is responsible for the EUBA publicity in Slovak or international means of mass communication, for the dissemination of a good image of the University of Economics in the public
- provides publication of periodic and non-periodic information and promotional tools on the EUBA, it is responsible for the content and language, editorial processing, aesthetic level, promotional effectiveness, linguistic correctness and timeliness of the production (Ekonóm, albums, year-books, calendars of important UE events, bulletins, leaflets for exhibitions and fairs, promotional souvenirs, information boards, press kits, etc.)
- organizes activities aimed at promoting and creating the image of the EUBA at home and abroad (press conferences, participation in national and international exhibitions and educational fairs, lectures by prominent personalities, etc.)
- provides monitoring of periodicals and other mass media about articles, references, news, information, interviews, etc. about the EUBA
- archives texts and image documentation about the university and uses it in its publishing, information and promotional activities
- cooperates with the Rector, Vice-Rectors, the Quaestor, various departments and departments of the EUBA rectorate, faculties,the Publishing House Ekonóm, the pedagogical departments, the Department of Science and doctoral studies, the Department of International Relations, the Student Parliament, AIESEC- trade unions, and other UE departments
- in accordance with Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Freedom of Information the Institute receives and answers information requests on the University of Economics in Bratislava
The Institute releases permissions to print posters on designated areas in the object premises V1 and V2. Posters can be put up on the premises of the University in reserved areas - advertising panels in the lobby of V1 and V2.

ARGALÁŠ, Lea, Mgr.
Rodičovská dovolenka