If you have any questions or problems, please contact:

ŠIPOŠOVÁ, Jana, Mgr.
Foreign relations officer
Faculty of Economics and Finance 2B.15 +421 2 6729 1245 jana.siposova@euba.sk
KUČEROVÁ, Gabriela, Dipl. Ing.
study assistant for 1st level of study
Faculty of Commerce 1B.09 +421 2 6729 1186 gabriela.kucerova@euba.sk
BLAHOVÁ Bronislava , Mgr.
Social Department
Faculty of Economic Informatics D7.38 +421 2 6729 5738 bronislava.blahova@euba.sk
study assistant
Faculty of Business Management D5.32 +421 2 6729 5532 zuzana.markovicova@euba.sk
FRANKOVIČOVÁ, Tatiana, Dipl. Ing.
Head of study department
Faculty of International Relations E4.29 +421 2 6729 5479 tatiana.frankovicova@euba.sk
study assistant
Faculty of Applied Languages D2.16 +421 2 6729 5216 zuzana.bihariova@euba.sk