Mentálne zdravie a pohoda je dôležitá súčasť života každého z nás. Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave pre Vás pripravila službu psychologického poradenstva, ktorá Vám prinesie potrebnú podporu a pomoc, ak sa ocitnete v situácii, kedy ju budete potrebovať.
International Office of EUBA has prepared the Study Abroad Fair event for students, which will take place on March 11, 2025. At this event, foreign students will present their home universities and their countries.
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? Become a real consultant and share your ideas with business experts! The International Business Consulting Program offers you a unique opportunity to gain experience working in an international team with students from the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, USA and on real consulting projects commissioned by successful international companies operating in Slovakia. In the past years of IBCP these were Covestro, IBM, ING, TPA, Johnson Controls, Lenovo, Slovak Telecom, Soitron, Siemens, Dell, O2 Slovakia, Creatix, or US Embassy.
Register in the StudyAbroad online application submit the application for an internship in ac. year 2024/2025 and upload all necessary documents.
Center for International Relations at the EUBA announces a new call for Erasmus + study stays in the academic year 2025/2026.
International Office at the EUBA announces a new call for the academic year 2025/2026 for Study mobility under Erasmus+ Programme outside Europe with grant and Study Mobility at the Partner Universities without grant.
Be part of an international project called Central Europe Connect, which has so far been successfully completed by over 560 students! In the summer semester of an academic year 2024/25 we are organizing already its 13th edition to which you can apply until November 15, 2024.
The Department of International Mobility EUBA has prepared the Study Abroad Fair event for students, which will take place on October 01, 2024. At this event, foreign students will present their home universities and their countries.
The International Office at the EUBA announces a new call for the summer 2024/2025 for Study mobility within Erasmus+ Programme outside Europe with grant and Study Mobility at the Partner Universities without grant.
Be part of an international project called Central Europe Connect, which has so far been successfully completed by almost 500 students! In the winter semester of an academic year 2024/25 we are organizing already its 12th edition to which you can apply until May 1, 2024.
Additional call for Erasmus+ study stays (winter and summer semester) in the academic year 2024/2025
International office at the EU in Bratislava announces an additional call for Erasmus + study stays (winter + summer semester) in the academic year 2024/2025.
Do not hesitate and take the unique opportunity to participate in an Erasmus + Internship. Gain work experience and improve your language skills.