Memberships and initiatives supporting our responsible conduct

In 2008 our University of Economics in Bratislava joined the UN Global Compact initiative and responsibly adheres to its principles in the area of human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption.

The EU in Bratislava became an associate member of the Business Leaders Forum in 2020 and is committed to being a leader in promoting the principles of responsible business - it means to practice responsible business as part of the day-to-day decisions of a company that seeks to respect the needs of all its stakeholders.

The EU in Bratislava is signatory (from 2018) of this voluntary initiative for promoting diversity management principles and sharing of good practice across member states. Its aim is to ensure efficient protection against discrimination, better compliance with antidiscrimination law in practice, better awareness about discrimination, among key stakeholders and to raise awareness about prevention and protection against discrimination among public.

The EU in Bratislava, as one of the central actors in science and research in Slovakia, has become a co-founder of a working group (21/10/2019), that is preparing a National Declaration on Strengthening Research Integrity in Slovakia. The task of the working group is not only to prepare this National Declaration, but also the Code of Research Ethics and Integrity, the rules of procedure of the national body (functioning of the commission), educational, training and information materials and investigation methodologies for resolving complaints.

The EU in Bratislava is an active partner in the Our City volunteering activity, the aim of which is to clean, beautify and visibly improve the cities in which we live. We join thousands of volunteers from companies in the same T-shirts throughout Slovakia and donate our time and work for entities in Bratislava and Košice.