What kind of services do we provide?
The University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) is one of Slovakia’s oldest and most prestigious public institutions, specializing in Economics, Business, Finance, Management, and International Relations. With over 7,000 students across seven faculties, EUBA is a key hub for education and research in these fields. The university prepares students for successful careers in state administration, international organizations, multinational corporations, and various private sectors. It consistently ranks among the top universities in Slovakia for graduate employment rates.
A highly qualified academic staff, with over 80 % holding PhDs, ensures the highest standards of education. EUBA adheres to ENQA quality standards and has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award, reflecting its commitment to the HRS4R Action Plan. This award was renewed in August 2024 following a successful mid-term evaluation.
In November 2021, EUBA achieved AACSB accreditation, placing it among the top 6% of business and management schools globally. EUBA has a distinguished record in securing funding and implementing projects under Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, Erasmus+ and earlier EU framework programs. The university is also proud to be the alma mater of many prominent ministers, CEOs, CFOs, and leaders in international organizations.
Contact to Project Center: projects@euba.sk.
What is the EUBA PIC code?
- 997951618
What is the EUBA OID code?
- E10197925
Where can I find a general description of the EUBA for my project application?
- General description of the university in English
- General description of the university in Slovak
Where can I find a list of currently implemented projects?
- List of projects, which are currently implemented at the EUBA Annual activity report.
Where can I register my submitted/approved project?
- All submitted and approved projects must be registered in the EUBA project database.