Internal Regulation No. B/3/2024 Tuition fees and charges related to the study at the University of Economics in Bratislava for the academic year 2025/2026

Internal Regulation No. B/22/2023 Tuition fees and charges related to the study at the University of Economics in Bratislava for the academic year 2024/2025


The obligation to pay annual tuition fees in the academic year 2024/2025 applies to students studying at the University of Economics in Bratislava:

  1. Full-time in the extra length of study at I., II. or III. degree of study
  2. External form in the extra length of study at I. II. or III. degree of study
  3. External form at I., II. or III. degree of study
  4. Full-time at the I., II. or III. degree of study in a language other than Slovak 


The amount of the agreed tuition fee at the University of Economics in Bratislava for the academic year 2024/2025

 1st level (bachelor)2nd level (master)3rd level (PhD.)
ELS/FTS 900,00 € 900,00 € 1 000,00 €
ELS/ES 650,00 € 650,00 € 1 000,00 €
ES/BACH. (4 years) 490,00 €    
ES/BACH. (4 years)
Economics and Law
899,00 €    
ES/MSc. (3 years)   435,00 €  
ES/PhD. (4 years)     1 000,00 €


The amount of the agreed tuition fee at the University of Economics in Bratislava for the academic year 2024/2025

 1st level (bachelor)2nd level (master)3rd level (PhD.)
ELS/FTS 1 200,00 € 1 200,00 € 3 000,00 €
ELS/ES 720,00 € 720,00 € 1 500,00 €
ES/PhD.     1 500,00 €


The amount of the determined tuition fee for I., II. and III. degree of study  in a language other than Slovak for the academic year 2024/2025

1st degree program Applied Economics (in English) 1 500,00 €
1st degree program Economics and Business Management (in English) 1 500,00 €
1st degree program Finance, Banking and Insurance (in English) 1 500,00 €
2nd degree program General management (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Finance and Taxes (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Applied Economics (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Economic Diplomacy (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Master in Marketing and Trade Management (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Tourism Management (in English) 2 500,00 €
2nd degree program Corporate Business and Marketing (in English) 2 500,00 €
3rd degree, which is carried out in English 3 000,00 €


Deadlines for payment of the determined annual tuition fee at the EU in Bratislava

  1. Tuition fees for the external form of study no later than November 30, 2024.
  2. Tuition fees for concurrent study or for exceeding the standard length of study in full-time and external form no later than November 30, 2024.
  3. Tuition fees for studies at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level of study in a language other than Slovak no later than the day of enrollment in the study. 




A student enrolled after an interruption of studies is obliged to pay tuition fees within 15 days from the day of enrollment in the study after the interruption of studies. The student is obliged to submit the proof of payment of tuition fees to the study department of the relevant faculty no later than 7 days from the date set for payment, i.e. j. no later than December 7, 2024 or 22 days from the date of enrollment in the study after the interruption of study.


Adjustment of the determined tuition fee

The student may submit an application for remission, reduction or postponement of the school due date in the form of a written application, together with credible documents confirming the validity of the application, to the dean of the relevant EU faculty in Bratislava no later than October 31, 2023. Written applications for waiver, reduction or postponement of tuition fees will be assessed in accordance with B/9/2022 - Školné a poplatky spojené so štúdiom na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave pre akademický rok 2023/2024. The submission of an application for a reduction, waiver of tuition fees or postponement of the due date has a suspensive effect in relation to the specified tuition fees. In the event of a positive decision on the adjustment of the tuition fee, the dates of the additional tuition fee will be announced in a written decision of the Rector of the EU in Bratislava. 


Documents to download to adjust tuition fees for full-time students

Affidavit for ac. year 2021/2022 [.pdf] [.doc]

Application for adjustment of tuition fees [.pdf] [.doc]


Documents for download to adjust tuition fees for students in the external form of study

Application for adjustment of tuition fees [.pdf] [.doc]



  • ELS – Extra length of study
  • FTS – Full-time study
  • ES – External study
  • ES/BACH (4 years) external study at the first degree, the standard length of which is 4 years
  • ES/Ing. (3 years) external study at the second degree, the standard length of which is 3 years
  • ES/PhD. (4 years) - external study at the third degree, the standard length of which is 4 years