The University of Economics in Bratislava in cooperation with the NGO Smile as a Gift organize for the third time the Give Joy and Smile #3 collection, where you can donate sweets, children's books, school supplies, board games or sanitary supplies to children from children's homes and crisis centres.
The main motive behind this collection is to make the Christmas for children more beautiful. The collection will run from November 1 to December 11, 2019. You can easily join the collection. All you need to do is to bring sweets, a children's book, school supplies, a board game, or hygiene items on the 3rd floor to room A3.06 - Communication and Public Relations Centre or to the EUBA FAN SHOP in the new building.
At the end of the collection, these gifts will be given to children in foster houses and crisis centres by the management of the University of Economics in Bratislava, the Smile as a Gift NGO and the students of the University.
Let's bring as much smile as we can to the kids who will be thankful for every little thing.