Ročník 47, 2018
Economic Review, Ekonomické rozhľady, 2018 abstracts/abstrakty, volume/ročník 47, 4/2018, ISSN 0323-262X, EV 4393/11, Issue 4/ Číslo 4
Andrej Přívara, Magdaléna Přívarová - FRANCÚZSKY EKONOMICKÝ ŠTRUKTURALIZMUS A JEHO VPLYV NA VÝVOJ EKONOMICKÉHO MYSLENIA (The French Economic Structuralism and its Influence on the Development of Economic Thought)
Abstract: This paper characterizes the main features and orientation of the research carried out by the representatives of the French economic structuralism. It deals with the core findings of its leading figure F. Perroux, namely his criticism of orthodox neoclassical economics, his attitude towards Keynesian economics, as well as his vision of a broader economic theory, which stems from the holistic approach. Attention is also paid to Perroux’s contribution to development of spatial economics, regional politics and economic deficiency. Last but not least, the paper mentions the influence of French economic structuralism on development policies implemented in most of the countries that had come out of colonialism, and a certain renaissance of this economic thought in the form of neo-structuralism.
Keywords: power, structure, new conception of the economy, domination, regional policy
JEL Classification: B 52, F 02, F 21, J 31
str./pp. 369 - 386
Mihovil Anđelinović, Ante Samodol, Ana Pavković - ASSET ALLOCATION AND PROFITABILITY OF CROATIAN INSURERS IN THE PRE-SOLVENCY II PERIOD (Umiestnenie aktíva a ziskovosť chorvátskych poisťovní v druhom predsolvenčnom období)
Abstract: Insurance companies allocate their assets conservatively, being guided primarily by the safety principle instead of the profitability principle. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the structure of the investment portfolios of Croatian insurers and to quantify the link between asset allocation and profitability of insurance companies in the period of strict regulation. Econometric analysis includes data from financial statements for the period 2008–2015, which are analyzed using the cluster analysis and panel data analysis. Cluster analysis is employed for the classification of insurers according to their investment strategies, and its results will help in predicting the changes in asset allocation that financial reregulation will bring. The results of panel data analysis reveal that investing in riskier categories positively affects the business results, while the investment in debt securities does not encourage profit growth. Our analysis contributes to the existing empirical research on the asset allocation–profitability–nexus and will be valuable for assessing the impact of Solvency II regulations.
Keywords: insurance, asset allocation, cluster analysis, panel data model, financial regulation
JEL Classification: C 33, C 38, G11, G22
str./pp. 387 - 411
Patrik Kollárovič, Zuzana Brokešová, Erika Pastoráková - VPLYV NEPRIAZNIVÉHO VÝBERU NA ROVNOVÁHU NA POISTNOM TRHU: EXPERIMENTÁLNA ŠTÚDIA (The Effect of Adverse Selection on Insurance Market Equilibrium: Experimental Study)
Abstract: Adverse selection represents a market failure caused by the information asymmetry. Economists observe this phenomenon in many different markets, when the higher quality goods are displaced from the market by the lower quality goods. In the insurance market, this problem is emphasized by the fact that the adverse selection causes the instability of insurance industry. In insurance theory, this phenomenon is well defined by theoretical models. On the other hand, empirical studies do not show a clear evidence of the size of the effect on market equilibrium. The main aim of the paper is to quantify the utility change in demand and supply of insurance caused by the adverse selection. Our results indicate that the utility of the insurance market is decreasing due to the adverse selection, and this effect is much stronger for the supply of insurance, i.e. insurers.
Keywords: adverse selection, insurance market, information asymmetry, experimental economics
JEL Classification: D 82, G 22
str./pp. 412 - 440
Martin Hudec - PERSPECTIVES ON SELECTED ASPECTS OF THE TRANSIT TO A MONETARY UNION (Perspektívy vybraných aspektov prechodu k monetárnej únii)
Abstract: The optimum currency areas theory is an economic hypothesis pertinent to the subject of monetary unions, since it determines conditions under which it is (or on the other hand is not) monetarily favorable for a gathering of economies to receive a solitary currency. A moment subject that appears to be deserving of review is the as of late conspicuous hypothesis of exchange-rate (and other monetary) emergencies. This theme is pertinent in the light of the fact that one of its fundamental messages is that with unregulated universal money related streams the important decision for a gathering of economies is between currency union and floating and gliding exchange rates. At the end of the day, the evident middle of the road alternative of a settled yet perhaps customizable exchange scale is in reality near infeasible. Thirdly, the subject of money unions imagines a solitary currency for economies that have particular governments and in this manner, to some degree, possibly unmistakable monetary specialists. Thus, the subject of the connection amongst monetary and fiscal arrangements emerges. Therefore, the aim of our research paper is to analyze selected issues related to different transition processes towards monetary union.
Keywords: exchange rate regime, inflation, monetary growth, socio-economic optimality
JEL Classification: A 13, O 4, O 10
str./pp. 441 - 463
Saleh Mothana Obadi, Matej Korček - DETERMINANTY POHYBU CIEN ROPY NA SVETOVÝCH TRHOCH: TEORETICKÁ ANALÝZA (Determinants of Oil Price Fluctuation on World Markets. Theoretical Analysis)
Abstract: This paper deals with the determinants of oil price movements in the world markets. Crude oil as a primary commodity still has a significant place in the economies that produce it. These are in particular developing countries, because these commodities are the main, or in some cases, the only source of their income. Although the share of this commodity in the global output and trade in the past century has gradually declined, fluctuation in its prices greatly affects global economic activity. In many, especially developing countries, fluctuation in prices of this commodity has a significant effect on macroeconomic indicators, not just on gross domestic product, the balance of payments, government budget policy, but also on the complex problems it poses to macroeconomic policy implementation. While there are many factors affecting the oil prices, we trying in this paper to identifying an accurate role of these factors (determinants) on oil price movement in the world oil markets in the recent history.
Keywords: Oil price, developing countries, OPEC, USD exchange rate, geopolitics
JEL Classification: E 3, O 13, I 28, Q 21
str./pp. 464 - 490
Vanisha Oogarah-Hanuman, Yannick Li Luen Ching, Annick Yeung Pat Wan, Daren Chetty - ASSESSING THE PREVALENCE OF CYBERCRIME IN MAURITIUS (Hodnotenie výskytu kybernetickej kriminality v štáte Maurícius)
Abstract: The ICT sector is a key sector in Mauritius and the Vision 2030 of the Government is to transform Mauritius into a SMART island, an evolution of the Cyber Island which was envisioned in 2001 (Cybercrime Strategy, 2017). With the goal to embed the use of technology in the day-to-day life of every Mauritian, the ICT sector has brought along new opportunities, but at the same time new threats. With cyber criminals becoming more sophisticated and continuing to develop malicious software and devising improved methods for infecting computer systems and networks, the government has set up a legal framework to limit potential cybercrime attacks on the island of Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius). In order to address the dearth of research relating to the prevalence of online crime and its consequences to the general public, we administered one of the first surveys on the prevalence of cybercrime among Mauritius citizens. 276 respondents were surveyed and the results show that while 98% of the respondents have a high level of awareness about cybercrime, there is the need for more sensitization campaigns about the dangers pertaining to cybercrime.
Keywords: Cybercrime, Mauritius, ICT Sector
JEL Classification: M 15
str./pp. 491 - 507
Economic Review, Ekonomické rozhľady, 2018 abstracts/abstrakty, volume/ročník 47, 3 /2018, ISSN 0323-262X, EV 4393/11, Issue 3/ Číslo 3
Helena Strážovská, Ľubomíra Strážovská, Anna Veszprémi Sirotková - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHARTER FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN SLOVAKIA (Implementácia Charty malých astredne veľkých podnikov na Slovensku)
Abstract: The European Charter for Small Enterprises is a key document of the EU, which was created in 2000. The aim of the Charter is to improve the legislative and administrative framework for the functioning of SMEs. National representatives are committed to taking action in favour of small businesses in ten key areas and reporting on annual progress. In Slovakia, this challenging issue is performed by the Slovak Business Agency. Good practices in the Small Business Policies policy are evaluated there. Beneficial practices are interesting for all countries – they are published. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the results of our research of small and medium enterprises, focused on opinions of small entrepreneurs on the European Charter for SMEs and Small Business Act implementation in Slovakia.
Keywords: European Charta for SME, Small Business Act, entrepreneurship, SME, business environment
JEL Classification: L 26, L 53
str./pp. 267 - 288
Mária Shejbalová Muchová, Kamila Mitro Nemčíková - DEFINOVANIE PREKÁŽOK VPLÝVAJÚCICH NA MALÉ A STREDNÉ PODNIKY (Defining Obstacles Affecting Small and Medium-sized Businesses)
Abstract: The article points to the significance of small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for about 99% of the total number of entrepreneurs, and are an integral part of Slovakia’s and the EU’s market economy. Small and medium-sized businesses provide coverage of demand and meet the needs and expectations of consumers, increasing their competitiveness on the market. At the same time, they form a significant part in job creation and are a component of economic and social stability. The development of these businesses depends on the quality of the business environment in the country in the form of a clear legislative, optimal tax, levy and administrative burden, the availability of financial resources, which are at the same time the main obstacles affecting their market activities.
Keywords: business entity, commercial companies, self-employment, business barriers, development of business entities
JEL Classification: O 10, M 20
str./pp. 289 - 303
Elena Šúbertová, Paulína Srovnalíková - PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS IN THE FAMILY BUSINESS AND THEIR MOTIVATION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Zapojenie študentov do rodinného podnikania a ich motivácia k podnikaniu)
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to analyse students’ prerequisites, expectations, work readiness, and attitudes towards entrepreneurship in general, and towards family business in particular at the time when they are about to finish their studies and graduate. The reason to conduct our research was the fact that a gradual generation exchange is expected in the families that started their businesses after 1989. At the same time, we studied students’ motivation for starting their own business based on their previous activities. On a theoretical level, the paper presents different approaches to defining family business in various countries and its different representation in selected economies. It presents new information about students’ point of views regarding possibilities to establish themselves in family-owned businesses in Slovakia, and new information about changes in motivation and in students’ positions to establish and run their own businesses. Our research shows that students are more inclined to gather practical entrepreneurship-relevant information about business services or – even more so – about getting employment in information and communication companies. Generation change is for them less important and less interesting than getting skills and practical experience in companies in Slovakia or abroad.
Keywords: family business, priority, motivation, generation change
JEL Classification: J 21, L 26
str./pp. 304 - 317
František Okruhlica - UDRŽATEĽNOSŤ ANÁSTUPNÍCTVO VRODINNOM PODNIKANÍ (Sustainability and Succession in Family Entrepreneurship)
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to draw attention of the academic and profes¬sional public to current issues and trends that family enterprises are confronted with. Changes in competitive environment are extremely fast, especially in inno¬vations and strategic partnerships. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, part of which are also family enterprises, hold aspecial position in these trends. Traditionally, these enterprises show flexibility and innovativeness, which is highly valued in business nowadays. Corporations monitor these processes and try actively to keep up this development under control. Furthermore, there is an intergenerational exchange from the first to the second generation in fam¬ily enterprises in Slovakia. In this paper, we elaborated on the comparison of family entrepreneurship development in Slovakia in the European context. In conclusions, we propose measures directed at key changes in sustainable de¬velopment of family entrepreneurship, with emphasis on succession.
Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, sustainability, family en¬trepreneurship, family business, corporate governance, family and business governance, succession
JEL Classification: M 13, D 23, D 74, G 34
str./pp. 318 - 331
Vladimír Sirotka - RODINNÉ PODNIKANIE APRÁVNE PROSTREDIE SR – NIEKTORÉ OTÁZKY (Family Business and Legal Environment of the Slovak Republic ‒ Some Issues)
Abstract: A successful functioning of family entrepreneurship requires chang¬es of law and various legislation norms that include simplification and re¬duction of administration in the field of labour and family law, employment system, tax system, social and insurance payments, and transfer evaluation. Small and medium entrepreneurs usually do not employ professional ac-countants, economists, lawyers, etc., and they often outsource external pro¬fessionals for such services. The facts stated above point to the importance of the reduction and simplification of overall accounting system.
Keywords: tax, accounting, social and health insurance, family business, em¬ployment, transfer evaluation
JEL Classification: K 34, M 13
str./pp. 332 - 347
Anna Schultzová, Peter Benko - BEHAVIORÁLNE ASPEKTY VÝBERU DANÍ (Behavioural Aspects of Tax Collection)
Abstract: Nowadays, alot of researches are focused on understanding the reasons why taxpayers pay taxes. Research of the economic aspects of tax avoidance decisions by taxpayers did not provide satisfactory explanation for this issue. Our article analyses individual approaches by endeavouring to emphasize the importance of interaction between taxpayers and tax administrators. In the context of more efficient tax collection, we propose certain changes and measures for more effective cooperation between both parties.
Keywords: tax evasion, tax collection, tax morality, tax authority, tax compliance, tax policy
JEL Classification: H 2, H 26, E 62
str./pp. 348 - 364
Economic Review, Ekonomické rozhľady, 2018 abstracts/abstrakty, volume/ročník 47, 2/2018, ISSN 0323-262X, EV 4393/11, Issue 2/ Číslo 2
Juraj Bronček - EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION AND INCOME NEXUS: THE CASE OF CHINA (Diverzifikácia exportu a súvislosť s príjmom: prípadová štúdia Čína)
Abstract: Since the 21st century, Chinese trade in goods has evolved rapidly and has achieved some remarkable success. In the structure of exports, after the steady growth of primary products, Chinese capital-intensive and technologically demanding manufactured products have taken the lead. This paper takes a look at the current position of Chinese exports in terms of export sophistication and uses the findings to extract the most successful export articles (machinery and electrical equipment) and calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman index to evaluate the degree of export diversification in this category since 2001. Linear regression analysis is then used to assess the relationship between the Herfindahl-Hirschman index and other indicators during the period of growing export concentration. The results show a strong correlation (R2>0.9) with the gross national income per capita (positive), number of employed persons in the primary industry (negative), number of employed persons in the tertiary industry (positive), the average wages of employed persons in urban units (positive) and the gross national income (positive).
Keywords: Herfindahl-Hirschman index, export concentration, export diversification, gross national income, employment
JEL Classification: F 10, F 19, F 63
str./pp. 131 - 142
László Kökény, Kornélia Kiss - THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY TYPES AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN TOURISM (Vzťah medzi osobnostnými typmi a spotrebiteľským správaním v turistickom ruchu)
Abstract: The relevance of the research is justified by the fact that according to current studies, the perceptions of consumers are unique and their own value system and personality is becoming increasingly important. Companies are more and more open to this perception because their goal is to maximize profits by providing more efficient service. In our opinion in the case of the mostly service based tourism industry firms should take the personality of their consumers more and more into account to be able to communicate uniquely and effectively. We were curious about the differences between the types of personalities in the field, how the respondent has consumer behavior in the use of the tourism superstructure. The identification of the personality type was based on the test of the Big Five Factors 30 items set based on the NEO PI R survey. The results support the fact that there are differences, especially those with the Extraversion factor, with varying behaviors.
Keywords: accommodation services, catering, personality
JEL Classification: Z 33, M 31, R 53
str./pp. 162 - 175
Iveta Dinžíková, Michele Paolini - CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF TERMINOLOGICAL PHRASEMES WITH COLOUR COMPONENTS IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SLOVAK. FIELD OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE (Kontrastívna analýza terminologických frazém s názvom farby v angličtine, francúzštine, taliančine a slovenčine. Odbor ekonomika a financie)
Abstract: In the following paper, we present a contrastive analysis in which the terminological phrasemes (TPs) with the colour components (black, white, grey) in economic texts are compared in order to examine their degree of equivalence. More precisely, these TPs are contrasted in four languages (English is the source language; French, Italian and Slovak are the target languages) where we rely on the typology of equivalence of phrasemes and the symbolism of colours. The occurrences of these TPs are checked in the texts of the fields of economy and finance in all four languages by using several textual corpora. By this contrastive analysis, we demonstrate the similarities and specificities of these TPs in the compared languages and their cultures.
Keywords: terminological phrasemes, colour components, economy and finance
JEL Classification: Z 13
str./pp. 176 - 188
Peter Belička - EVOLUTION OF FREIGHT TRANSPORT IN COUNTRIES OF THE VISEGRAD FOUR AND REST OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Vývoj nákladnej dopravy v krajinách Visegrádskej štvorky a vo zvyšku Európskej únie)
Abstract: Study is aimed at evolution of freight transport types in countries of the Visegrad Four compared to the European Union. The goal is to calculate, how much each freight transport type has increased or decreased in proportion. Main source of data is official European statistical office, Eurostat. All data are of a secondary character. In the article there are graphical visualizations of these calculated outcomes, using figures and tables. By comparing the results, we came to the conclusion that transporting goods has not changed the proportions but has decreased in overall. 75.9 % of all transport in the European Union is done by road transport, 6.3 % by inland waterways and 17.8 % by railway transport. The stability of these numbers suggests no future fluctuations. Countries of V4 are following the European trend of increasing road transport share. In conclusion, we consider this trend to by on the negative side, road transport is known for its environmental pollution.
Keywords: freight transport, inland transport, the Visegrad Four, environment, green transport
JEL Classification: N 74, O 18
str./pp. 189 - 198
Viktória Švardová - PARTICIPATION OF V4 COUNTRIES IN GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS (Účasť krajín V4 v globálnych hodnotových reťazcoch)
Abstract: The increasing importance of global value chains, the increasing linkage between individual economies and the growing division of labor cause that it is needed to re-evaluate the traditional methods of measuring competitiveness and use more relevant indicators for this. The main aim of this paper is the accounting of gross exports of the V4 countries based on the research of Koopman et al. [3], and to point out the fact that the traditional indicators for measuring competitiveness of the country are not quite reliable anymore. The accounting of gross exports into nine components provides more detailed overview of the nature of the production and also provides information about the production stage in which most of the domestic value-added is produced and therefore determines the degree of participation of the countries in the global value chains.
Keywords: global value chains, value added, accounting of gross exports
JEL Classification: F 14, E 01, E 16
str./pp. 199 - 210
Mária Kozáková, Vladimír Hojdík - ONLINE REPUTATION ASSESSMENT OF ENTITIES IN AUTOMO¬TIVE INDUSTRY IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC (Online povesť subjektov pôsobiacich v automobilovom priemysle v Slovenskej republike)
Abstract: The present-day business world is no longer the matter of doing busi¬ness; there is arising importance of intagible resources. It is the very reputation of an enterprise that is considered one of valuable intangible resources. Repu¬tation is defined as an expected behaviour of the entity based on information about its behaviour in the past. This concept is however changing as aresult of the rising influence of the Internet and social media. The rising popularity of digital and social media has brought about an increased interest in this commu¬nication channel in business environment. It means that the reputation manage¬ment depends also on the online environment created in an enterprise. Many companies have started using the Internet and social media to gain advantages and attract more customers; however, the content shared via social media may become a threat and the threat may develop into afast communication crisis, on the other hand. This type of media may represent both an opportunity and threat for building the reputation and its protection. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of managing the online reputation and current meth¬ods which enable us to measure the reputation level online, in particular the sentiment analysis, as well as the analysis of multifactor sentiment. The paper also presents results of the research into the online reputation on the example of the automotive industry.
Keywords: online reputation, sentiment analysis, automotive industry, social media, reputation management
JEL Classification: M 10, M 14, M 31
str./pp. 211 - 224
Jaroslav Bukovina, Ján Remeta - SLOVAK EXPERIENCE WITH MINIMUM CORPORATE INCOME TAX (Skúsenosti Slovenska s minimálnym zdanením firiem)
Abstract: Minimum corporate taxation has been an issue for international tax research as well as for political tax discussions around the world. It was initially designed to prevent undesired but legally permitted tax avoidance. Over time many countries start to use these concepts to ensure or stabilize their tax revenues. With the aim to tackle widespread presence of corporate income tax non-payers, Slovakia as of 2014 introduced simple minimum corporate tax, domestically called “tax license”. Government defended that it will make the tax system fairer on the ground of horizontal equity and it will help to clean up Business register with possible positive effects on audit efficiency. As of 2018 the minimum corporation tax was repealed, and we have four years of its experience which allows us to do research in this area and evaluate its success. Results of our research suggest that introduction of minimum corporate income tax improved horizontal equity of the corporate income tax, where part of the companieshasnot paid any income tax for a long time.
Keywords: tax avoidance, corporate taxation, minimum income tax, effective tax, tax equity
JEL Classification: H 2, H 21, H 25, H 26
str./pp. 225 - 234
Martin Dluhoš, Jana Kočkovičová - THE FAIRNESS OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM OF BUILDING LANDS TAXATION IN THE CONTEXT OF MARKET PRICES – CASE OF SLOVAKIA (Spravodlivosť súčasného systému zdanenia stavebných pozemkov v kontexte trhových cien – prípadová štúdia Slovensko)
Abstract: The current system of land taxation (including building lands) uses a system, where the tax is calculated in relation to the building land prices, which are table prices. The government’s intention to tax lands (and building lands) on the basis of its market prices, with the idea that a higher market price means higher value and hence a higher tax is justified; however, today there is no uniform concept that would take account of such a system of taxation based on market real estate prices. The paper presents the latest results of research on the prices of building lands in the Slovakia and their determinants in the context of using these results in confronting the unfairness of the current system of taxation and presents possible proposals for changes to this system on a system linked to market prices of building lands. Using a sample of 960 building lands from the whole of Slovakia and using econometric models and OLS and conditional quantile regression estimation methods, we present basic research results useful in the process of preparing a new real estate taxation system based on the market prices.
Keywords: building lands, taxation, market and advertised prices
JEL Classification: C 51, H 21, H 71
str./pp. 235 - 249
Patrícia Kollár - THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR RURAL RETAIL IN THE CONDITIONS OF DUNAJSKA STREDA DISTRICT (Hrozby a príležitosti vidieckeho maloobchodu v podmienkach okresu Dunajská Streda)
Abstract: The paper focuses on opportunities and threats for rural retail in the Dunajska Streda District. The District of Dunajska Streda is located in Trnava Region and it belongs to Danube Region and also to gravitational area of the city of Bratislava. The aim of this paper is to highlight the threats that are perceived by both retail sales professionals and consumers who represent buyers for the farmers’ markets in the District of Dunajska Streda. The theoretical part of the article mainly uses the scientific method of analysis and induction to formulate conclusions. The practical part of the paper is a questionnaire survey among consumers in the District of Dunajska Streda. The main conclusions of this paper are evaluations of the shortcomings of farm markets on the basis of consumer surveys and at the same time this paper provides an overview of identified opportunities and threats in accordance with the European Union’s rural development programs.
Keywords: Rural retail, district of Dunajska Streda, opportunities, threats
JEL Classification: M 31, O 18, R 00
str./pp. 250 - 261
Economic Review, Ekonomické rozhľady, 2018 abstracts/abstrakty, volume/ročník 47, 1/2018, ISSN 0323-262X, EV 4393/11, Issue 1/ Číslo 1
József Poór, Erika Varga, Renáta Machová, Vas Taras - Nové formy vzdelávania prostredníctvom projektu „X – Culture” (New Forms of Education under Project “X – Culture”)
Abstract: The aim of the paper to present a project, which stands for an innovative modern form of experiential learning predominantly in the areas of International Management and International Business. Although experiential learning has some advantages, namely, developing cross-cultural competencies, cultural intelligence, intercultural communication and management skills, differences in personality or conditions also arise as a downside. X-Culture has been evolving throughout the years since its foundation in 2010 when the original objective was to supplement the theoretical material and in-class teaching. Nowadays more than 3000 master, bachelor and MBA students, mostly of management and economics, take part in it from more than fifty countries all over the world. X-Culture is aimed at students of International Business college courses and training programs with the task of writing a business report or consulting proposition by offering business solutions for a hypothetical client.
Keywords: international cooperation, transfer of knowledge, experiential learning
JEL Classification: A 20, F 63, M 53
str./pp. 7 - 23
Ivana Setnická, Michelle Chmelová - Ľudský kapitál vo vzťahu ku kvalite života (Human Capital in Relation to Quality of Life)
Abstract: Human capital has been the subject of research since the times of traditional economics. The Nobel Prize winner for economics G.S. Becker is the most distinguished economist in the area of human capital. In a society based on knowledge, the human capital has an important role as well as in the area of quality of life. The quality of life constitutes a multidimensional concept, which requires to define precise parameters for its measurement. Nowadays, there is no consensus regarding which of the indicators is best to reflect the quality of life. To quantify the country quality of life nowadays the most frequently used indicator is the Human Development Index, which has three dimensions. One of them is knowledge (education), which is measured by the number of years of school attendance and expected years of education. In many cases, the level of education completed is also used for the quantification of human capital. The main aim of this article is to analyze the existing knowledge of human capital and quality of life and to clarify their relationship.
Keywords: human capital, quality of life, dimensions of quality of life, determinants of human capital development, HDI, Life Quality Index
JEL Classification: J 24, A 10, A 19
str./pp. 24 - 35
Katarína Seresová, Daniela Breveníková - Competitiveness of Germany on National Economy Level (Konkurencieschopnosť Nemecka na národohospodárskej úrovni)
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to discuss the competitiveness of Germany’s economy in the context of changing world economic market as well as in connection with demographic trends in Europe. Basic concepts (globalisation and competitiveness) are explained in the introductory part of the paper. The competitiveness of Germany’s economy is discussed based on documents and reports on competitiveness and characterized in the paper in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. While its strengths include performance of businesses, enrolment to secondary schools, export, diversification, creditworthiness, and shortage of labour force, its weaknesses are taxes and social expenditures, prices of petrol and flexibility and adaptability in terms of the country’s willingness to accept reforms.
Keywords: consumer expenditure, demographic trends, Federal Republic of Germany, European Commission (EC), globalisation, global competitiveness
JEL Classification: E 44, N 24
str./pp. 36 - 69
Martina Džubáková, Pavel Melich - The Slovak Republic as Part of the Silk Road Project (Slovenská republika ako súčasť projektu Hodvábna cesta)
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to present the participation opportunities of the Slovak Republic to the international transport project OBOR (The One Belt and One Road). The OBOR Project is one of the initiatives of the People’s Democratic Republic of China to increase the international trade between Europe and China. In the framework of the freight transport, all other countries through which each corridor passes through are also able to engage in international trade. The OBOR project is divided into two equally significant basic parts: the Silk Road and the Marine Silk Road. The authors see the possibility of the Slovak Republic of participating in two railway transport corridors. The geographical position of the Slovak Republic and its transportation capacity make it a major transport hub, which can only be a benefit to the OBOR Project.
Keywords: One Belt One Road, Silk Road, intermodal terminals, Slovak Republic, China
JEL Classification: L 9, N 7, R 41, M 19
str./pp. 70 - 81
Marián Goga - Možnosti modelovania koaličných vzťahov v teórii hier (The Possibilities of Modelling the Coalition Relationships in the Game Theory)
Abstract: In this paper the author focuses on the first part of the metho¬dological problems of modelling situations in the game theory, which contain the non antagonistic conflict. It is a situation, in which the play¬ers’ interests are not in direct contradiction. The victory of one parti¬cipant does not imply the loss of the other participant of the game. In cooperative conflict, it is assumed that the players have the opportunity to conclude a binding agreement and can cooperate with each other. Having introduced the general conditions and axioms of rationality, which describe the features that the coalition structure should meet and their corresponding distributions of payments, in the second part of the paper, the author refers to the application of Shapleyʼs value and methods of C-core in dealing with conflict situations in the context of cooperative games in telecommunications companies in Slovakia. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the possibilities of the methodology of cooperative games analysis and those of their application for model¬ling and solving conflict decision-making situations and the formation of coalitions.
Keywords: game theory, cooperative game, coalition, strategy, the coali¬tion structure, Shapley value, C-core method
JEL Classification: C 71
str./pp. 82 - 103
Ladislav Andrášik - Ekonómia obrany v globalizovanom svete (Economics of Defence in a Globalised Worls)
Abstract: After the splitting of the joint state of Czechs and Slovaks and the dissolution of the Klement Gottwald Military Political Academy (VPA KG) in Slovakia, also the scientific discipline of “War Economy”, and its counterpart in the Czech Republic were cancelled. After some time, partially related fields of study came to be established in our country: Economy and Management of Defence Sources, Military Logistics, Management of Military systems, Combat Application and Training of Armed Forces, Operations Research in the Military, National and International Security, which, however, could not and cannot replace to the full extent and in-depth the mentioned scientific field of study, which used to belong to the “Branch and Cross-section economies”. There is asimilar situation in the Czech Republic although the impact of the field of study “Economy of the State Defence”, which has been established there, as well as other related fields is of ahigher integration impact. The main shortage rests in that in a transformed international security environment the scientific field of study, which would in complex and evolutionary ways fully cover the problems of economics of defence and the theory of war period (or the period of compulsory military alert) of the economy is in fact non-existent.
After the disintegration of the “bipolar world“ to multi-polarity, or after the end of the “cold war” there occurred on its own a radical qualitative change of the security environment, which was even strengthened by a turbulent developing ICT, theory and applications of computational intelligence, along with strong globalisation trends. The field of the War Economy was largely compatible with an internationally existing field of “Defence Economics” and was competent to explore, research, and submit recommendations to bodies concerned with the given topic in agiven period. Moreover, the field of study had apowerful political context, similar to the Anglo-American field „Political Economy of War“. In our opinion, nor a contemporary variant of the field economy of defence can operate outside this context. In the present paper, we attempt to answer only some of the key questions concerning the economy of defence in aglobalised world and open the issue of establishing the field of science of Defence Economics. We consider it the primary entry in this highly complex problematics.
Keywords: analysis of benefits ‒ opportunities ‒ costs ‒ risks, globalisation of the world andunconventional threats (terrorism, mass migration, etc.), conversion, mobilisation, NATO, unconventional methods and technologies of combat, trade in arms and military technique, defence industry, fields of military production (so-called military special), disarmament, arms forces, advanced technologies, yields ‒ losses ratio, dealing with conflicts, theory of non-cooperative games, military technique, external safety, influences of military expenditures, development, research, arms, and arms systems
JEL Classification: C 02, D 74, E 37, F 50, H 56
str./pp. 104 - 123
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